Things I Think About #005

Things I think about - Think Twice

Dec 9, 2024 - 15:02
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Things I Think About #005

<h2>Think Twice</h2>
<p>As kids we are told about all sorts of myths; <em>Santa</em>, the big bearded man who mysteriously brings gifts at specific times of the year, the <em>tooth fairy</em>, the list goes on.</p>
<p><br />When we grow older, we pass on this tradition of telling these lies to the younger ones. Motivated by consumerism, capitalism, and all the other <em>'isms'.</em></p>
<p><br />When these younger ones reach a certain age, they too cease to believe the fantasies, it turns out it wasn't <em>Santa Claus</em> delivering presents all this time, it was us. Got em!<br />Usually that's the end of the discussion, but not the end of the ruse. Because, well, we didn&rsquo;t make any of the gifts... And it wasn&rsquo;t a group of mythical creatures that put together all the materials required for the xBox, iPhone or 4K screen the kids wanted at Christmas.</p>
<p>No sir, all of this is the work of an underpaid and overworked workforce ages 5 and older. Robbed of a future or a chance at a normal life. Mostly just so you can get that new pair of designer sneakers. You'll have a pretty difficult time finding any product anywhere that isn&rsquo;t produced through merciless exploitation. We don't usually see it though, so we say we care ...but not really.</p>
<p>I've always found people fascinating, the more distance we put between ourselves and the injustice, the easier it is for us to live a guilt-free life. Our careers, corporate or political identities allow us the same luxury; an excuse to tip-toe the moral line with just enough distance for a clear conscience.</p>
<p>The supply chains (you know; factory-wholesaler-retailer-reseller) create even more distance for us, and you know how ignorance is bliss, right? I know a lot of us would help a kid that's struggling right in front of us, and we often do; but we don't realize that, through a lot of our daily purchases and/or activities we are inadvertently causing millions to suffer without thinking twice about it. For heaven's sake think twice, three times, four times, don&rsquo;t stop thinking about it.</p>
<p>Try not to lie to yourself and the younger ones. Quit excess. Give away what you don't absolutely need. Stop buying stuff and stop making excuses or justifications for being a part of the problem. <em>Do something.</em></p>
<p>By the way, I know what you're thinking; and the answer is <em>yes</em>, I <em>would</em> like to write some happy pieces every now and then, <em>you know</em>, like how much fun I had on vacation (I did) or how I can't wait for my favorite TV Show to return to the screen(I reaaly can't wait). But I guess we'll simply have to settle for this. An ice-cold dip into reality's bucket.</p>

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