Things I Think About #005

Things I think about - Think Twice

Things I Think About #005
Things I think about...

Think Twice

As kids we are told about all sorts of myths; Santa, the big bearded man who mysteriously brings gifts at specific times of the year, the tooth fairy, the list goes on.

When we grow older, we pass on this tradition of telling these lies to the younger ones. Motivated by consumerism, capitalism, and all the other 'isms'.

When these younger ones reach a certain age, they too cease to believe the fantasies, it turns out it wasn't Santa Claus delivering presents all this time, it was us. Got em!
Usually that's the end of the discussion, but not the end of the ruse. Because, well, we didn’t make any of the gifts... And it wasn’t a group of mythical creatures that put together all the materials required for the xBox, iPhone or 4K screen the kids wanted at Christmas.

No sir, all of this is the work of an underpaid and overworked workforce ages 5 and older. Robbed of a future or a chance at a normal life. Mostly just so you can get that new pair of designer sneakers. You'll have a pretty difficult time finding any product anywhere that isn’t produced through merciless exploitation. We don't usually see it though, so we say we care ...but not really.

I've always found people fascinating, the more distance we put between ourselves and the injustice, the easier it is for us to live a guilt-free life. Our careers, corporate or political identities allow us the same luxury; an excuse to tip-toe the moral line with just enough distance for a clear conscience.

The supply chains (you know; factory-wholesaler-retailer-reseller) create even more distance for us, and you know how ignorance is bliss, right? I know a lot of us would help a kid that's struggling right in front of us, and we often do; but we don't realize that, through a lot of our daily purchases and/or activities we are inadvertently causing millions to suffer without thinking twice about it. For heaven's sake think twice, three times, four times, don’t stop thinking about it.

Try not to lie to yourself and the younger ones. Quit excess. Give away what you don't absolutely need. Stop buying stuff and stop making excuses or justifications for being a part of the problem. Do something.

By the way, I know what you're thinking; and the answer is yes, I would like to write some happy pieces every now and then, you know, like how much fun I had on vacation (I did) or how I can't wait for my favorite TV Show to return to the screen(I reaaly can't wait). But I guess we'll simply have to settle for this. An ice-cold dip into reality's bucket.
