Things I Think About #003
Things I Think About - Milestone

<p class="f1-s-11 cl6 p-b-25">I'm really, really excited.</p>
<p class="f1-s-11 cl6 p-b-25">Because we reach two milestones this time around: This Issue marks 3 years of The Buzz . We have lasted this long because we're all in this together. You've trusted us to help you be a better person by giving you stuff that's actually relevant, delivered with enough humour so you won't bore yourself and others to death as you educate and inform with your immense-knowledge. That we're still here clearly means we're doing something right.</p>
<p class="f1-s-11 cl6 p-b-25"><em>And of course there are all the amazing people we've met and had meaningful encounters with.</em></p>
<p class="f1-s-11 cl6 p-b-25">They are wholly responsible for transforming us into the complete people we've already become. Let's show them some love and give our collective thanks.</p>
<p class="f1-s-11 cl6 p-b-25"><em>But this special issue is not about dwelling on past victories, we're looking into the future..</em></p>
<p class="f1-s-11 cl6 p-b-25">.. Having been with The Buzz literally since the first issue got off the ground, what I'm really excited about is still sticking around in the now and being able to witness an entire generation of young people coming into their own, brimming with potential to really change the world because,</p>
<p class="f1-s-11 cl6 p-b-25"><em>if we're being completely honest, they are much smarter than the generations before them.</em></p>
<p class="f1-s-11 cl6 p-b-25">In this issue, read about how the new generation is taking over. How would they move in 2040?</p>
<p class="f1-s-11 cl6 p-b-25"><em>Who will be the biggest name in technology when a Zambian finally becomes king of Silicon Valley, or when we finally have our own here in the country?</em></p>
<p class="f1-s-11 cl6 p-b-25">Who will be the young physicists running our nuclear plants if and when we decide to go down that path? And for our cover, which may seem like an attempt at minimalism but is really a testament to what we can achieve with simplicity.</p>
<p class="f1-s-11 cl6 p-b-25"><em>Aren't we already doing that? Cheers!</em></p>