Brain Reset

Brain Reset

Brain Reset
Brain Reset

Brain Reset

Our lives are dominated by screens and memes, which can mean our brains may not always feel as fresh as they did before.

We're gonna try to help you get your brains to reset after information overload. Like most things, they can get overworked and need to power down for a little bit. Taking regular breathers
immensely helps our ability to function at a 100%.

Here's a couple tips we put together to help you get started on your Journey.


The anxiety and isolation of the quarantine has a way of making you want to drink more. A couple of glasses of wine a week are probably healthy for the brain, but going all out for months or years can cause brain shrinkage and overall competency issues.

Chronic heavy drinking depletes vital minerals in the body and can lead to permanent damage. To drink
mix your drinks in a 1-to-4 wine-to-sparkling-water ratio – just enough wine to take a little bit of the edge of. 


I am a firm believer in taking time off, because that immediately resets your mind and your brain. Within the first couple of days, you're bound to see improvement in your stress levels, mood, sleep, immune-system and overall IQ.

Idle time and creativity also activate the brain’s ability to function correctly, which makes it more likely likely to get that inspiration you've been searching for.